Subversion Cheat Sheet

Subversion Cheat Sheet

$svn info         prints info pertaining to the current working version
                 (such as URL, repository root, revision, etc...)
$svn info file    prints output info for a file

$svn log           Displays the log 
$svn log Filename  Displays the log for a particular file

[import from local to remote]
$svn import ~/Temp/svnTest -m "Initial Import"
$svn import ./     -m "Initial Import"

NOTE: Importing does not create a local repository (with .svn directories). It just
      copies the info into the remote repository. In order to create a local copy of
      the repository, check out a copy with the folloing command:

[checkout from remote to local]
$svn checkout ~/svnTest 
$svn checkout

$svn update             Updates to HEAD revision
$svn update -r 622      Updates to revision 622
$svn update -r PREV     Updates to the previous revision

[Commit - within directory to commit]
$svn commit --message "A message"

[Add a file or files to repository. Must commit afterwards to cause changes to occur.]
$svn add File.cpp
$svn add Files.*
$svn add Dir                     //Will add all files in that directory by default
$svn add Dir --non-recursive     //Won't add files, but will add only directory

[Delete a file.  Must commit afterwards to cause changes to occur.]
$svn rm File.cpp

[Revert a file back to that in the repository]
$svn revert File.cpp

[Revert all files in this directory and below to previous revision]
$svn revert --recursive .    

[See what the status of the files are in a directory]
$svn status

  [? means un-versioned file]
  [A means scheduled for Addition]
  [D means scheduled for Deletion]
  [M means Modified in the local copy]
  [C means Conflicted]
  [! means file is missing (is under version control, but not present)]
  For more complete table, see Table 5.1 (pg 67), from book
    Subversion Version Control, by Willam Nagel.

[Branch - create a branch. This doesn't automatically "switch" the
          current working version to that branch. See switch command below.]

$svn copy --message "Branch from trunk"

[Switch your working copy to another. For example, switch working local to a new branch (after 
 creating that branch by using svn copy in the above command) so that you're now working in
 the branch rather than the trunk.]

$svn switch

[Tags - Use svn copy also to create tags. Use 'svn info' if you need to
 obtain the current URL.]
$svn copy -m "Completed ver 1.0.0"

[Move or rename a file. Will change repository on next commit, but will affect
 local version immediately.]
$svn mv Source Destination

[Shows the difference between the current version of the File and the last time it was changed.]
$svn diff File
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